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Asylum and migration

NGOs Joint Statement: Agreeing on the Instrumentalisation Regulation will be the Final Blow to a COMMON European Asylum System (CEAS) in Europe

In December 2021, the European Commission presented a proposal for a Regulation addressing situations of instrumentalisation in the field of migration and asylum. The proposal introduces a mechanism which allows Member States to derogate from their responsibilities under EU asylum law in...
Middle East & North Africa Asylum and migration

Joint civil society statement: One year after the country’s takeover by the Taliban – How did Europe welcome Afghans in need of protection?

As civil society and Afghan diaspora organisations, we are deeply concerned about the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan and the treatment of Afghan asylum seekers and refugees in Europe.One year after the Taliban takeover, the country is in a state of lawlessness without a constitution. The...
European Union Member States Business and Human Rights

European Union: 100 civil society and trade union organisations demand: EU law must put human rights before profits

No more exploitation, no more environmental destruction, no more unjust business practices by European companies. Those are the demands of the Justice is Everybody’s Business campaign, launched today in Brussels by nearly 100 civil society and trade union organisations. The campaign urges the EU to...