Today we went to the Schuman roundabout laden with banners, placards and lifejackets to set up a visual display ahead of the EU summit. We’re hoping to send an SOS Europe message to leaders attending the summit which is being held in Brussels today and tomorrow. Following the recent Lampedusa tragedy and countless other incidents, we’re asking for a fundamental change in EU migration policy. EU leaders must protect migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers’ lives. Watch Carmen Dupont, our European Campaign Coordinator on Migration, explaining why the EU must act now.
Camera crews filmed us as we set up at 8:30am:
Our European Campaign Coordinator on Migration, Carmen, in front of the display:
Our messages to the EU leaders:
The Media and Migration campaign teams:
We had great visibility on the roundabout with the display in direct view of passing traffic:
We’re tweeting today and tomorrow under the hashtags #EUsummit and #Timetoact. Follow @amnestyeurope and @dontexisteurope for updates and news on the outcome of the EU Summit.