Amnesty International, the International Federation for Human Rights and Human Rights Watch
invite you to a Press Conference:
One Year after Anna Politkovskaya’s Murder:
Where Is Russia Heading and What Is the EU’s Position in this Regard
3 October 2007 at 9.30
When: 3 October 2007 at 9.30
Where: Human Rights Watch, 7 Avenue des Gaulois – 1040 Brussels Metro: Mérode
- Tanya Lokshina, DEMOS center (Russia)
- Oleg Orlov, MEMORIAL Human Rights Center (Russia)
- Sacha Koulaeva, Head of Eastern Europe and Central Asia Desk, FIDH
- Lotte Leicht, EU Director, Human Rights Watch
- Dick Oosting, Director, Amnesty International EU Office
One year after Anna Politkovskaya’s murder, the human rights situation in Russia remains bleak. Journalists continue to risk their lives, civil society is openly curtailed and torture and disappearances remain common, particularly in the Northern Caucasus.
What has the EU done to that end, and what more is needed
Leading human rights NGOs invite you to attend a press conference to address these questions.
The press conference will include the participation of two prominent Russian human rights defenders who will be in Brussels for the EU-Russia human rights consultations taking place on the same day.
Please note space is limited, confirm your participation to:
Juliette Le Doré (HRW) tel: + 32 (0) 485 795 073
or Joana Gomes-Cardoso (AI) tel: + 32 (0) 473 341 373