Letter to Baroness Ashton: The EU must act now to stop torture in Nigeria

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Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the Union for Common Foreign and Security Policy (HR/VP) Vice President of the European Commission


Suvi Seppalainen, Cabinet HR/VP Sean Doyle, Head of Division EEAS Dörthe Wacker, Desk Officer EEAS Victoria Correa, HR Division EEAS Leslie Pierrard, DG Devco European Parliament Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly

18/09/2014 – Torture and other ill-treatment by police and military are pervasive, routine and common throughout Nigeria. Released today, Amnesty International’s report “Welcome to hell fire: Torture and other ill-treatment in Nigeria” documents how hundreds of women, men and children in police and military custody across the country are being subjected to a range of physical and psychological torture and other ill-treatment.