Lack of human rights safeguards undermines EU counter-terrorism effort

New analysis from Amnesty International released today

(Brussels, 31 May, 2005) In a detailed analysis of the EU’s counter-terrorism initiatives in the area of criminal law since 11 September 2001, Amnesty International has shown that the absence of concrete human rights safeguards in many of these initiatives is likely to undermine efforts to fight terrorism in Europe.

“Respect for human rights is often portrayed as hampering efforts to defeat terrorism but this new analysis shows how genuine security is undermined if basic human rights and the rule of law are not respected. It is in the breach, not in the protection of human rights that security is put at risk. That goes for the EU as well as anywhere else in the world,” Dick Oosting, Director of Amnesty International’s EU Office told a press conference in Brussels today.

Amnesty International’s 40-page analysis “Human Rights Dissolving at the Borders

Counter-terrorism and EU Criminal Law” – the first analysis of its type of the overall implications of the EU’s recent counter-terrorism initiatives in the area of criminal law – Download PDF attachement