Joint letter: Fundamental rights concerns about the EURODAC reform

Dear Mr Buxadé,
Dear Shadow Rapporteurs,
Dear Members of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE),

We are writing to you to underline our concerns about the amended proposal to reform the EURODAC Regulation. In this letter, we first outline the aspects of the reform (including those inherited from the 2016 proposal as well as from the 2018 political agreement between the Council and the European Parliament) that are extremely worrying for the fundamental rights of asylum seekers, refugees and migrants. Far from being a mere technical dossier, we stress that the EURODAC dossier is of a highly political and strategic nature. It may undermine the EU’s duty to respect international asylum and migration law and standards. Secondly, we highlight the multiple procedural shortcomings of this legislative process, which clash with the European Union’s (EU) high aspirations for transparency and accountability.