Iverna McGowan to move on from Amnesty International

The need is there now more than ever for the EU to stand up to its founding principles and I leave this role safe in the knowledge that my fellow keepers of the Amnesty flame are there to hold EU leaders to account in doing just that.


21 September 2018

Iverna McGowan to move on from Amnesty International

Amnesty International is today announcing that Director of the European Institutions Office Iverna McGowan is moving on to pursue a new exciting opportunity, which will be made public in the coming weeks.

Clare Algar, Amnesty International’s Acting Director for Europe said ‘Iverna has made an incredible contribution, both in terms of building Amnesty in Brussels and through her advocacy championing human rights to the European Union institutions. Our colleagues, both in Brussels and around the world wish her every success for her exciting new endeavour.’

Iverna McGowan said ‘I am so honoured to have had the chance to lead the EU work of the world’s largest human rights organization during these extraordinary times for people’s rights. The need is there now more than ever for the EU to stand up to its founding principles and I leave this role safe in the knowledge that my fellow keepers of the Amnesty flame are there to hold EU leaders to account in doing just that. Thank you to everyone who has supported me and the office over these remarkable years.’

While a permanent successor is being appointed, from 19 September the role of Director will be filled by Covadonga de la Campa.

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