Amnesty International European Institutions Office invites you to
Write for Rights
8 December 2016 18.00 to 20.00 at Science 14 Atrium, 14b rue de la Science
Write for Rights is the world’s largest human rights campaign. Join us to write a letter, tweet, learn what you can do to support victims of human rights abuses in these difficult times, and to toast to freedom.
Speakers include the Head of EEAS Human Rights Division, Mercedes García Pérez, former prisoner of conscience, Fred Bauma, and EIO Director, Iverna McGowan
Fred Bauma is a former Prisoner of Conscience and part of the Lutte pour le Changement (LUCHA) youth group in the DRC, which was awarded this year’s Amnesty International Ambassador of Conscience Award. After his arrest, he was held and interrogated at a secret location and denied access to his family and lawyer. Supporters wrote letters calling for Fred’s release during the 2015 ‘Write for Rights’ campaign. He was freed in August 2016.
Last year, Amnesty International supporters across the world wrote an astonishing 3.7 million letters, messages, emails, tweets and so much more during Write for Rights 2015 to take action for 12 individuals, families or communities fallen victim of human rights violations.