Denouncing the deteriorating conditions for refugees and asylum-seekers in the Greek islands

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Her Excellency Andrea IKIu0106-BÖHM Ambassador of Austria to Greece His Excellency Vesselin IVANOV Chargé d’Affaires of Bulgaria to Greece His Excellency Luc LIEBAUT Ambassador of Belgium to Greece His Excellency Christophe CHANTEPY Ambassador of France to Greece His Excellency Jens Uwe PLÖTNER Ambassador of Germany to Greece His Excellency Jens Michael Ole BRAAD Ambassador of Denmark to Greece His Excellency Margus RAVA Ambassador of Estonia to Greece Her Excellency Kate Smith Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Greece Her Excellency Orla O’ HANRAHAN Ambassador of Ireland to Greece His Excellency Enrique VIGUERA RUBIO Ambassador of Spain to Greece His Excellency Efisio Luigi MARRAS Ambassador of Italy to Greece His Excellency Caspar Cornelis Johannes VELDKAMP Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Greece His Excellency Aleksandar SUNKO Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to Greece His Excellency Kyriakos A. KENVEZOS Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus to Greece His Excellency Mu0101ris KLIŠu0102NS Ambassador of Latvia to Greece His Excellency Rolandas KAu010cINSKAS Ambassador of Lithuania to Greece His Excellency Paul Alphons STEINMETZ Ambassador of Luxembourg to Greece His Excellency Joseph CUSCHIERI Ambassador of Malta to Greece His Excellency Erik Edgar HAUPT Ambassador of Hungary to Greece Her Excellency Anna BARBARZAK Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Greece His Excellency Rui Alberto MANUPPELLA TERENO Ambassador of Portugal to Greece His Excellency Lucian Fu0102TU Ambassador of Romania to Greece Her Excellency Iveta HRICOVÁ Ambassador of the Slovakia to Greece Her Excellency Anita PIPAN Ambassador of Slovenia to Greece Her Excellency Charlotte SAMMELIN Ambassador of Sweden to Greece His Excellency Jan BONDY Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Greece His Excellency Juha Markus PYYKKÖ Ambassador of Finland to Greece CC: Maarten Verwey, EU Coordinator, Implementation of the EU-Turkey Statement

22/11/2017 – We, undersigned human rights and humanitarian nongovernmental organisations, are writing to express our deep concern at the deteriorating, and increasingly dangerous, conditions for thousands of women, men and children seeking asylum and trapped on the Aegean islands as winter sets in.