Press Releases 5th December 2001 EU Anti-Terrorist Measures – Amnesty International Final Appeal to EU Ministers
Press Releases 5th December 2001 Aide-Memoire: AI’s Comments on the proposals for a Framework Decision on Combating Terrorism and for a Framework Decision on the EU Arrest Warrant
Press Releases 3rd December 2001 European Parliament Fails its Human Rights Commitments – Parlement Européen manque a ses engagements
Press Releases 15th November 2001 Open Letter to the Heads of State or Government of the European Union
Press Releases 12th November 2001 Afghanistan – Effective Lifting of EU Embargo on the Export of Arms Against non-Taleban Forces
Press Releases 24th October 2001 Zimbabwe: Amnesty International’s Appeal to the European Union and the Commonwealth
Press Releases 24th October 2001 Urgent appeal to EU: Arrest of Amnesty International official and leading opposition politician in Gambia