This submission seeks to provide comments in accordance with Rule 21 A of the European Committee of Social Rights (hereinafter the Committee) on Greece’s 3rd National Report. The comments herein focus on the right to conscientious objection and on Greece’s compliance with Article 1 § 2 (the right of a worker to earn his/her living in an occupation freely entered upon) of the European Social Charter.
In this submission, Amnesty International wishes to provide information on:
- The length of alternative service continuing to be punitive and discriminatory and thus in breach of 1 § 2 of the Charter and other international human rights standards;
- The additional time spent by conscientious objectors, practically outside the labour market while waiting to be recognized as such. The organization considers that this also affects the right of conscientious objectors to earn a living through an occupation freely entered upon. This is particularly relevant since 2019 due to an apparent suspension of the procedures to examine applications for the recognition of conscientious objectors for over a year.