Amnesty International contribution to the High-Level Conference of the European Social Charter, 3-4 July 2024

Amnesty International shared a submission to contribute to discussions ahead of the High-Level Conference on the European Social Charter to be held on 3-4 July 2024 in Vilnius, Lithuania.

In this submission, Amnesty International outlines its strong support for the European Social Charter and the work of the European Committee of Social Rights (Committee) as a key cornerstone for securing the progressive enjoyment of social and economic rights in Europe whilst ensuring greater accountability for violations.

The submission sets out key recommendations, highlighting a number of outstanding issues that require the attention of the High-Level Conference, with the aim of helping to strengthen the Social Charter and the collective complaints mechanism and make them more effective and coherent for the protection of social rights in Europe.

In so doing Amnesty International particularly wishes to contribute to the aims of maximising acceptance of Charter provisions, improving the enforcement of the social rights guaranteed by the Charter including with respect to immediate measures under the collective complaints mechanism, whilst also strengthening the participation of civil society.