02/06/2004 – AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL’S HUMAN RIGHTS ASSESSMENT OF THE TAMPERE AGENDA. The first stage of the so-called “Tampere” agenda is now over. The agenda, agreed at the Tampere EU Summit of 1999, set out the basis for the EU’s goal of constructing an “Area of Freedom, Security and...
Într-un raport dat publicitãþii în Bruxelles la doar câteva zile dupã extinderea istoricã a Uniunii Europene, Amnesty International aduce în centrul atenþiei problemele existente în spitalele de psihiatrie din România,...
In a report released in Brussels only days after the EU’s historic enlargement, Amnesty International has turned the spotlight on human rights issues in psychiatric hospitals in Romania, which is candidate for the next wave of EU expansion. “Memorandum to the Romanian Government...
(Bruxelles 4 mai, 2004) Într-un raport dat publicitãþii în Bruxelles la doar câteva zile dupã extinderea istoricã a Uniunii Europene, Amnesty International aduce în centrul atenþiei problemele existente în spitalele de psihiatrie din...
(Brussels 4 May, 2004) In a report released in Brussels only days after the EU’s historic enlargement, Amnesty International has turned the spotlight on human rights issues in psychiatric hospitals in Romania, which is a candidate for the next wave of EU expansion. In particular, Amnesty...
04/05/2004 – In a report released in Brussels only days after the EU’s historic enlargement, Amnesty International has turned the spotlight on human rights issues in psychiatric hospitals in Romania, which is candidate for the next wave of EU expansion
04/05/2004 – Într-un raport dat publicitãþii în Bruxelles la doar câteva zile dupã extinderea istoricã a Uniunii Europene, Amnesty International aduce în centrul atenþiei problemele existente în spitalele de psihiatrie din România, candidatã la urmãtorul val al extinderii UE
By Dick Oosting, Director, Amnesty International EU Office in Brussels The official accession to the European Union of ten new member states on 1 May ought to be good news for human rights. Protection of fundamental rights was a critical aspect of the accession process. Candidate countries were...
03/05/2004 – The official accession to the European Union of ten new member states on 1 May ought to be good news for human rights. Protection of fundamental rights was a critical aspect of the accession process. Candidate countries were scrutinized for years to ensure that their laws and...