We lobby EU and CoE policy-makers to influence how they set standards on human rights-related issues, to encourage them to change policies where necessary and react to unfolding human rights crises.
We work with the European Commission, European Council, European External Action Service, national diplomatic missions to the EU and Members of the European Parliament. We also work with various institutions and human rights monitoring bodies of the Council of Europe.
Working with Amnesty International’s national teams throughout Europe, who lobby their own governments on human rights issues, we talk to national representatives, including the rotating (six-month) EU presidencies, to press for a strong focus on human rights in EU and Council of Europe policy-making.
We work in partnership with other NGOs, and have an active media programme, briefing the Brussels-based press corps and issuing Amnesty International publications with an EU focus. We routinely send our documents to officials in all decision-making institutions.