Brussels – 10 December 2015
The opening of the infringement procedure by the European Commission against Hungary in relation to its asylum law that entered into force in August and September this year is an important step towards ensuring Hungary’s compliance with European Union (EU) law, and restoring the rights of asylum seekers to fair and effective asylum determination proceedings.
“The Commission’s announcement to initiate infringement proceedings against Hungary in relation to its recent asylum law reforms is a welcome check on Hungary’s attempts to transform itself into a refugee protection free zone. By opening the proceeding against Hungary, the Commission is sending a strong message to countries tempted to backtrack on their human rights commitments in the context of the refugee crisis,” said Iverna McGowan, Acting Director for Amnesty International’s European Institutions office. “Hungary should take heed and act now to restore the rights of asylum-seekers to access its territory and fair asylum determination proceedings.”
For further information on Hungary’s amendments and Amnesty International recommendations, please see Fenced Out, Hungary’s Violations of the Rights of Refugees and Migrants.
For interviews or further comments please contact Maeve Patterson on +32 (0)2 548 27 73 or +32 (0)483 680 812, or by email at [email protected], or Paul Creeney on +32 (0)2 548 27 74 or by email at [email protected].