Amnesty International reaction to nomination of EU counter-terrorism coordinator

On the day that the EU has nominated a new counter-terrorism coordinator, Amnesty International recalls that one vital ingredient is still missing from EU policies. In the six years since  9/11, the EU has yet to come to terms with the fact that the way in which the fight against terrorism has been conducted has had serious human rights implications.

This was and remains shockingly evident in relation to the cases of extraordinary renditions that occurred in Europe, allowing kidnapping, torture and disappearances in what amounted to a total breakdown of the rule of law.

In renewing its efforts to counter terrorism, it is fundamental for the EU to finally come to proper closure on a matter which undermines the very essence of its values.

Unlike Canada, where there has been a full public apology and substantial compensation, in Europe victims are still waiting for any type of acknowledgement or reparation.