EU must boost pressure on Egypt’s military rulers

EU must boost pressure on Egypt’s military rulers 
(Brussels, 22 November 2011) As Egypt’s army and security forces violently attempt to disperse protesters from Cairo’s Tahrir Square and elsewhere in the country, Amnesty International has urged the European Union unequivocally to increase pressure on Egypt’s Supreme Council of Armed Forces (SCAF). In its latest report on Egypt, Broken Promises: Egypt’s Military Rulers Erode Human Rights, Amnesty International describes the Egyptian authorities’ woeful performance on human rights. 
“Up till this weekend, we feel the EU has been over-emphasising its support for the transitional government. But there are overwhelming signs that the Egyptian authorities may not intend to make their promised transition to democracy and justice”, said Nicolas Beger, Director of Amnesty International’s European Institutions Office. “We need to see much clearer international pressure and tangible benchmarks. Egyptian military courts are trying thousands of civilians, cracking down on peaceful protest and expanding emergency laws. Baroness Ashton must take a far firmer stand against the same kind of repression which the January 25 demonstrators fought so hard to banish.” 
Amnesty International’s review of human rights under the SCAF finds that the military council has met few of its commitments and that it has worsened the situation in some areas. By August, the SCAF admitted that some 12,000 civilians across the country had been tried by military courts following grossly unfair trials. At least 13 have been sentenced to death. 
For interviews or further comment, please contact:-
Peter Clarke
Media & Communications Officer
European Institutions Office, Amnesty International
Tel: +32 (0)2 548 2773


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